Date : 17 Nov 2017 – 19 Nov 2017
Reunion Announcement and Registration
The 50th Anniversary Reunion of the Class of 1967 will be held between 17 to 19 November 2017 in Hong Kong. See the following for details: Please click here
Enquiries: [email protected]
Organizing Committee:
Geoffrey LIEU Benedict WANG Christopher WONG Terence YAU Thomas YIP Jack YOUNG (in alphabetical order)
Facebook (closed-group)
LSC 67 年同學會- Already a growing platform of renewed contacts, chats, sharing of old and new photos, and memoirs! Join in and continued to be inspired by the La Salle spirit!
Please log in to your Facebook account, search LSC 67 年同學會 and request to join the Group. After getting approval, you may start chatting and sharing with other classmates right away!