Date : 13 Oct 2018
LSC Class 1978
40th Anniversary Reunion Dinner
Saturday, 13 October, 2018.
At Craigengower Cricket Club,
188 Wong Nai Chung Road, Happy Valley, Hong Kong
4:30pm Arrival
5:00pm Group photo
6:30pm Dinner commence
9:00pm Dinner ends
Dress Code: School uniform or 70’s attire
We have invited our former teachers and LSC Principal Mr. W S Tong has also accepted our invitation to attend.
The cost for the event is HK$1,000/ head. Any surplus from the dinner will be donated to the school.
Please contact us ASAP to reserve your place and arrange payments:
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
For overseas classmates, you are encouraged to arrange payment through your friends in HK. If you pay as a group, please tell us the names of all the classmates that you are paying for.
It has been 40 years since we graduated and we should treasure these reunion events to meet with our old classmates and share our joy and laughs.
Alex Lee
Chairman of Organising Committee.