Bro. De Cruz, Wilfred
Date of Birth: 4 April 1917
Usual Classes Taught: Lower forms
Date of Death: 1988
Bro Wilfred De Cruz was born 4 April 1917 in Burma. He arrived in Hong Kong on 20 January 1968. He taught in lower forms of La Salle College. he was appointed Sub-director of Community Brothers in March 1970. Brother Wilfred was transferred to Aulstralia in 1971 and he passed away in 1988.
Contributed by: | GERALD Cruz         2014-02-06 11:44:07 |
Description: | I will always remember Bro.Wilfred as he taught me in form 2A.I left Hong Kong in 1971 for Vancover,B.C. Canada and he came Canada to see us.I can still remember the dinner we had together my classmates Christopher Bee and Michael Young-Lai in Vancouver! And signed my high school year both with the reunion of us all! God Bless you Bro. Wilfred. |
Contributed by: | Mark Huang (85)Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â 2006-09-10 02:15:13 |
Description: | Dear Tomas, good to hear from you. I wonder if you have any photos of your days in La Salle, especially those with Brother Wilfred? We are building a collection of photos of old La Salle, and we would love to add to the collection if you have any. Cheers Mark Heritage Sub Committee LSCOBA |
Contributed by: | Tomas Vieira         2006-09-04 19:58:58 |
Description: | I was in Brother Wilfred’s 1971 F2 class. Iimmigrated to Australia in 1979 and met Brother in his retirement at the Brother’s facility in Redcliffe, Queensland. He was thrilled to see me again to know that he was so fondly remembered and cherished for his patronage of us football boys. He took us camping to Lantau as well as Fanling. He had a great sense of humour and was a source of great encouragement to all |
Contributed by: | David Hsu (1973)Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â 2004-07-01 18:26:19 |
Description: | Rev Bro Wilfred was F2A form master in 69-70 and a very devoted teacher indeed. He use to give us tests or dictations in the first session at 8:15am and he would have all 40 test papers marked and comments ready after recess at 10:30am. His principle is that as we are still fresh with the topics tested, to have the test marked and comments made within an hour is the best way to learn refreshingly and avoid the mistakes at the first instant. He also believes that reciting poems every week can definitely improve and generate a stronger memory. As such it did improve our memory to the extent that after reciting would commit to our memory instantly. He was also keen on the social life of his students. He sponsored the Wilfred Football Club for the Summer League and always took the team out for dinner which was a luxury then. |
Categories: Brothers, Deceased, Teachers