Dr. Mong, Man Wai William
Message from Charles Chan, President of LSCOBA 2009-10
Dr. William MONG, Man-wai RIP
Posted by: CHAN Kit Ying, Charles (77)
Date: July 22, 2010 05:07PM
It is with a heavy heart that I relay this piece of very sad news: Dr. William Mong Man-wai, loyal old boy, stern supporter and benefactor of La Salle passed away peacefully yesterday, 21st July 2010, with his family by his side. Known to many of us as William Si-hing or Uncle Mong, he studied in La Salle College from late thirties to mid-forties. He was a successful entrepreneur and benevolent philanthropist in every meaning of the words, having founded the thriving Shun Hing Group in the fifties as the sole agent of Panasonic (aka National) products in the territory and the charitable Shun Hing Foundation in 1984 which counts many educational establishments as recipients of his good deeds, with La Salle a special beneficiary, in Hong Kong and China. His keen business senses were legendary and in particular, his involvement in popularizing the electric rice cookers amongst the Chinese population is now folklore in the industry. I have met him on numerous occasions and he was always unfailingly humble, sincere and approachable, a true role model for all La Salle boys.
Uncle Mong was the first of three generations of Lasallian. One of his sons, David Mong Tak-yeung, is an OBA Past President and David’s son, is now studying in La Salle Primary. David is continuing his father’s good work, both in business and charities, and is actively contributing to the Lasallian community, financial or otherwise.
With Uncle Mong’s passing, we have lost a great Lasallian. May his soul rest in peace and may we offer our heartfelt condolences to his family.
Charles K. Chan
President 2009-10
有”電器大王”稱號的信興集團創辦人及主席蒙民偉在養和醫院逝世,終年82歲;信興集團發出新聞稿指,蒙民偉因病在養和醫院留醫多月,各大名醫協力診治,辭世時甚為安祥,家人子女均在身旁。 蒙民偉在1953年成立信興行,銷售樂聲牌產品,他當時要逐家戶推銷電飯煲,亦因此被稱為”電飯煲大王”,信興經歷半個世紀發展,由一間原本祗有三人的小公司,發展成為目前有超過一千七百名員工的集團,他熱心支持內地及本港的教育等公益事業,多年來捐款逾超過5億元,北京清華大學、本地多所大學和中學都有大樓及設施以他名字命名,零六年獲特區政府頒發金紫荊星章。
The following report from Wen Wei Po (文匯報) offers some background to Mong’s life and philanthropy deeds.
熱心教育行善 捐款逾5億
1949年下半年蒙民偉被父親送往日本留學,雖然父母均能操流利日語,但由於日本侵華,中國人痛恨日本人,為怕被人誤會,兩人出外絕不會說日語,在家中大部分時間亦說粵語,而孩子們則全部使用粵語,故此蒙民偉剛到日本時連一個日本字母亦不會,寄居於父親三菱舊同事原清(Hara Kiyoshi)在東銀座的家中,年已22歲的他獲安排入讀千代田小學,被校內的小朋友稱為「大阿哥」(Oniichaman),僅用了1個月便唸完一年級,花了6個月便唸完小學課程,練得一口流利日語,並奠定了他與日本人做生意的根基。
Contributed by: | Peter T Cheung (81) 2010-07-23 11:51:33 |
Description: | May Mr. Mong’s soul rest in peace. He is a legend. His name “Mong” and “National” & “Panasonic” will always be remembered in our minds. Deepest condolences and sympathy to the Mong’s family, especially to David who is so active in La Salle community. With sympathy, Peter Cheung (81) |