Dr. James Wong - Down the Memory Lane – Lasallians Remembered

Dr. Wong, James

Date of Birth: March 1941 Class of Graduation: 1958 Date of Death: 24 November 2004


Dr. James Wong (58), a talented and renowned composer, lyricist and writer. “Jim Suk” passed away in Hong Kong on 24 November 2004. A Memorial Booklet about him could be downloaded at http://www.wongjim.com/images/James_book.pdf 黃 霑 曾 經 從 事 電 視 、 電 影 、 廣 告 、 音 樂 以 及 寫 作 工 作 , 所 以 他 絕 對 稱 得 上 是 一 位 多 媒 體 工 作 人 。 在 音 樂 的 成 就 上 更 獲 獎 無 數 , 其 中 以 一 九 九 一 年 的 成 績 最 為 輝 煌 , 當 年 他 連 獲 香 港 樂 壇 九 大 獎 項 : 金 針 獎 、 最 佳 唱 片 監 製 、 最 佳 作 曲 、 最 佳 歌 詞 、 金 曲 金 獎 等 多 個 大 獎 。 (蘋果日報 2004/11/24)

Contributed by: Mark Huang (85)         2005-10-19 17:32:18
Description: The obituary presented by Jack So (58?) for James Wong can be found here. http://web.hku.hk/~daaobeta/memoir08.html
Contributed by: Chan Yuk Cheung (1958)         2004-12-23 12:52:33
Description: Dear Jum Sum, I missed you. My tears cannot but well up in my eyes while typing onto the computer. We spent eight long years together in La Salle and in each other’s home as we were both living at Tai Po Road. I remember you doing your Tai Chi at the veranda of your home sweating profusely. I can still remember the sweet smell of the home-made wine by your father who was forever soft and kind. Being poor in Chinese, I was there watching you and your two brothers challenging each other in filling in the words for the Chinese crossward puzzle during the primary school years. The noise you made while practising your drum at my home still hovers over my ears. The first concert I attended was the harmonica final competition when your Quartet presentation of Mozart’s Serenade in G took the first prize for La Salle. You gave me a few lessons on the harmonic before I left HK after graduating F5. These experiences brought a lot of musical joy and spirits to me and my four children. Through your teacher Leung Yat Chiu, I was able to start the harmonica bands at St Joseph’s College both in Hong Kong and Penang, Malaysia. I saw you trying hard to complete the first song your wrote for a Maryknoll girl in Form 4 and the numerous submissions to the Students’ Weekly News in the secondary school. Yes, you are gifted and know how to get on to the HK people by flowing with their current, bringing them joy via their interests and craze. People may be offened by your use of sex as a channel to get attention, but I think that is only the practice of the trade of PR. Even Chuang Tzu (350 BC) recommended us to act like cows or horses if that is what they want in order to get on to them. I do appreciate your creativity especially in your contribution in elevating the Cantonese lyric writing of the 60s’ and I still enjoy the Chinese you wrote for “It’s a small small world”. Why should you go away so soon? You have not done enough for our younger generation both in terms of writing songs for the kids as well as helping them to be creative like yourself! I am really angry with you! After my departure from the La Salle College community for 46 years, via the news of your death I came to meet our classmates of 1958. I was surprised to learn that our classmate HL Lee spoke to you at 12.56 at the minutes of your departure in his dream talking to you about helping the HK younger generation. Being a clinical psychologist, I was asked by the group of 12 Lasallians to interprete that dream! “James Wong is asking you to help to continue his work of helping the younger set.” “Why me?” Mr. Lee said. “Well, you were the contact between him and the class of 1958 and he promised you that he would see you in future a few years back. He is keeping his promise and that amongst those present, you are the best person in terms of availability of resources.” James Wong might have passed away, but his spirit of joy and creativity is still with us. To carry on his good work some concrete action should be taken, like a special fund for training the younger generation to be more creative. Those who wish to help may contact me [email protected] or the current (2004-05) OBA chairman Dr. Bernard Kong.
Contributed by: Benjamin Tat Bun Ng (’62)         2004-12-09 13:23:42
Description: Although I didn’t know much about James as I had left HK in 1963, but every Hong Kongese I have recently run into not only knew him very well but revered him greatly. So it seems that he has touched many a Hong Kongese’s heart. May James rest in peace, and his family will he in my prayers.
Contributed by: Quintin Kwok (87)         2004-12-08 15:09:22
Description: James was a great talent. His lyrics touched the hearts of everyone and will be remembered for generations to come. While people of Hong Kong and the world mourn his passing, let us all say a little prayer for his family and loved ones.
Contributed by: Charles Tsang (83)         2004-12-08 14:38:20
Description: Like other old boys who graduated from the early 80’s, I grew up along with the songs written by Dr. Wong. I was crazy enough to compile (hand written) a song book which documented 340 Chinese songs back in 1985. Of course, it was filled with many many masterpieces written by Dr. Wong. His songs touched my heart. His language skill was so good that just a simple sentence could mean a lot to me. We will remember what you said James: “Friends should see each others for no specific reason”. Eventhough you were no longer around, you still lived deep inside our heart, as our role model. May you R.I.P.
Contributed by: Alexander Cheung (82)         2004-12-08 02:16:29
Description: Never met Dr. Wong, but heard a whole lot about him through the years from my parents, especially my father, who was also a La Salle Boy. I was so looking forward to, perhaps, seeing him at the LSCOBA Christmas Ball with other elder Old Boys on December 3rd, but then got to know of his passing the very night I arrived in Hong Kong from Canada. Very fond memories of Dr. Wong indeed, somehow, even though I had never got to meet him in person. I have sung so many songs he wrote, but the most touching piece I have ever done in front of others has to be the Cantonese La Salle School Song. I felt his pressence when I sang the Chinese School Song he wrote for us at the Christmas Ball last Friday–my trip to Hong Kong was completed and fulfiled. Thanks, Dr. Wong, our See Hing for life; you have left us priceless legacy that cannot be compared. Until then, I remain, yours in La Salle!
Contributed by: Arvin Chan (87)         2004-12-07 10:57:45
Description: As the “next generation” of James Wong, I would like to share my personal encounter with the great man when I was still a baby kid. Our family was living in Mei Foo, and one night I was having a high fever. So my parents rushed downstairs to call a taxi, but as it was already 2:00am they waited long without getting one. Then Mr. Wong and his wife (Wa Wa) drove by and noticed us. He immediately stopped his car and asked my parents if there was anything wrong with the kid, and that he could give us a ride to the hospital. It was 2:30am in the morning! As retold by my parents, he offered his assistance in a wholehearted manner, so warm and natural, sincere and humble. We remembered this every time we saw him in the media, in fact we’ll remember his kindness forever. So it was his lifelong motto, pouring love and caring to his friends and even strangers alike without asking for anything in return. Hope he can rest in peace in God’s love.
Contributed by: Yeung Hing Kui (62) 2004-12-02         2004-12-02 22:17:15
Description: People see things as they are, and say why. He dreamed things that never were, and say why not.
Contributed by: F Tse (80s)         2004-12-02 11:56:24
Description: Dear James, James Wong, or I shall say Dr. James Wong, modern Beethoven, crazy but not stupid, full of maddness but with super creative power, dare to speak up but always make sense, eager to love but understand not all love stories will have a good ending, have the guts to do all the shocking things but also have the courage to admit all the faults….. Just like the song you wrote, you was, are and will always be the “Bright Star” up in the heaven. Well, I don’t usually do something like this, that’s going to a msg board and write…… Thus, I’m 101% believe we all miss you very much, especially your artistic talent. In fact, I would like to take this opportunity to express my sincere appreciation for your lifetime contribution to the Chinese Pop Song Culture. I’m pretty sure all your legendary lyrics + music will be with us as long as time exists. We will not forget you. F Tse (Old Boy)
Contributed by: Larry Lee (96)         2004-11-29 02:53:09
Description: Jim Suk, Thanks for the many 金曲 you have written for us, the lay Hong Kong people. We are so proud of you. And we all thank you wholeheartedly for bringing us joy and relieving us from depressions through the tunes and lyrics. Your songs, your words, your humour and your belief in life will long live in our mind. May you rest in peace. With love, Larry Lee (96)
Contributed by: Ng Kai Yin (02)         2004-11-28 03:02:10
Description: 為悼念師兄黃霑博士,小弟特意為師兄遺作<滄海一聲笑>譜上新詞。雖然小弟填詞功力尚淺,但一番心意,還請霑師兄笑訥。 調寄《滄海一聲笑》 《霑叔一聲笑》 霑叔一聲笑 聲聲震浪潮 才情橫溢天之驕 知音笑 首首豁達謠 詞魂長伴那香江飄 瀟灑笑 掀刮狂潮 填詞填盡了幾多春曉 香江笑 聲勢嘹 毋忘那萬般不朽朗笑 霑叔,主懷安息
Contributed by: Henry Nip(88)         2004-11-27 01:14:44
Description: 他的歌詞,是留給香港人最大的禮物;[獅子山下]一曲的歌詞在近幾年就已經勉勵了不少在逆境中掙扎的香港人,當然包括我自己在內。 [人生中有歡喜 難免亦常有淚r 我地大家在獅子山下相遇上 總算是歡笑多於唏噓 人生不免崎嶇 難以絕無掛慮 既是同舟在獅子山下且共濟 拋棄區分求共對 放開 彼此心中矛盾 理想一起去追 同舟人 誓相隨 無畏更無懼 同處海角天邊 攜手踏平崎嶇 我地大家用艱辛努力寫下那 不朽香江名句] 願他的靈魂在天主的懷內安息
Contributed by: Raymond Chu (77)         2004-11-27 00:54:37
Description: 黃霑學長與世長辭 同窗無不惋惜 欲譔文以悼之 唯書以洋文 感與學長格格不入 故執塵封之拙筆為學長輓: 文曲現世乃藉香江淪陷 大陸色變移根獅子山下 承循父軌負笈母校黌門 克己復禮而基石定 明德格物乃學有成 年且及冠 初躍在淵 進而無咎 三十既立 鋒芒畢露 翔於天焉 知命而後 大展鴻圖 窈窕淑女 執子之手 莫可久耶 不惑已界 亢極有悔 養性修德 博學鴻儒 有孚在道 花甲有三 蒙主寵召 非完其人 乃全其志 雖終而無悔 唯紅顏禍水 前車未鑒 有負糟糠 然不無憾也 然大情大性 合時熾 離時 昨天種種 未如詩者 不為道也 乎不世之材 凡藝壇北斗 莫有尼於世俗 方有壯憓豁達 比梵谷 放浪不羈 比魯迅 橫眉冷對 眾力於我何有哉 又有幾人能及矣 唯霑學長之豪情放任 既為世之所容 更為世之所慕 此母校所自持之總勝一籌也 我等同門 每藉抬頭向長空求指引 放眼高闊天際望 且見學長徐立於彩雲深處 天國階前 御煙持酒 笑望且有猶豫之聖徒彼得 “仍然能夠 講一聲 我係我” 霑學長玩世不恭之 狂、放、浪、蕩, 行事為人之 志、誠、勇、毅 實不折不扣之喇沙仔寫照 能言人之不諱言 能為人之不屑為 然其所言所為 皆我輩言而不敢鳴 為而不坦誠者是也 雖未敢妄言堪作同門楷模 然能面對世界一切 那怕又如何 忽亦我等皆慕之情操耶 人生朝露 鴻爪留痕 有誤人者 亦誤於人 是非得失 實皆空也 盡心全力 其生不枉 非慕其名 乃傷其類 雖仰其才 亦感其憾 莫其譽 妄誇其名 且憫其情 而恤其委 以撫其憾 以慰其靈 烏呼霑 今而後者 能感我性 可映我情 同輸一脈 復可求也 今祈天主 納兄之靈 天國樂土 再譜新章 爾曲天訟 如於地焉
Contributed by: Paul Wong – 2002         2004-11-27 00:54:22
Description: 為悼念黃霑先生: 英魂迅逝酷驚聞, 良才此世不枉生; 詞情達意傳各土, 高朋眾友苦相陳. 今朝故人雖隔世, 詩詞文賦傳後人. 嗚呼!命如星殞閃即滅, 天壽永不加明人; 哀哉!痛失賢士嘆長恨, 回憶去日又思君. 可憐先生終遠去, 聽 爾 一 笑 一 淚 行.
Contributed by: Robert Yuen Kar Ngai (71)         2004-11-26 13:30:54
Description: Your courage and determination to face your last illness should be well remembered by all Hong Kong people in physical and/or psychosocial distress. May your kind soul rest in peace in the arms of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Contributed by: Vincent Pun – 1981         2004-11-26 11:27:23
Description: Johan, Jim suk is an icon of HK & LSC. We’re all proud of him. He & his songs are parts of our collective memory, just like the Dome and the La Salle spirit and will never be casted away. May God bless you & your family. As you said, may his laughter be with us all. Vincent Pun
Contributed by: Francis Cheung         2004-11-26 05:18:14
Description: 黃霑去世 一個絕對大情大性,豪邁奔放o既性情中人!多才多藝,才華橫溢不在話下.霑叔o個手靚詞(滄海一聲笑,上海灘),佢老人家早年o個D獨當一面o既廣告(人頭馬一開,好事自然來),同埋佢o個把獨一無二o既歌聲(滄海一聲笑,道道道)?!試問家我呢一輩邊度有呢D咁全面o既人才呀?! 可能係小弟個人品味問題,就算歌神唱得几好,我硬係覺得首”滄海一聲笑”霑叔係唱得最正,最能唱出o個首歌o既味道! “滄海一聲笑,滔滔兩岸潮,浮沉隨浪,只記今宵!” 願佢老人家安息,o係上面繼續笑傲江湖!!!
Contributed by: Kelvin Bao (03)         2004-11-26 01:11:05
Description: You and your music will always live in the hearts of all. Thanks for all the wonderful lyrics, I’m sure they’ll be loved and remembered by generations to come.
Contributed by: Charles Li (74)         2004-11-26 01:08:28
Description: Beside Mr. James Wong contribution to the entertainment business in Hong Kong, let’s not forget his influence in the advertising industry during the late 60’s and 70’s. His 3 most famous campaign are still considered to be the text book cases in the Chinese advertising history. ENO Mineral Salt Remy Martin Cognac (VS) Viceroy cigarette poster in the YMT ferry are all long lasting advertising slogans. We are proud to have an advertising giant like Mr. James Wong and may he rest in peace. My condulence to his family.
Contributed by: David Lam (1988)         2004-11-25 22:31:00
Description: Jim Suk gave the Hong Kong people laughter, confidence and many precious memories through his lyrics and other works. He also shown us how to be a true La Sallian, and be proud of it. Rest in peace, Jim Suk. As Johan said we will remember you through your laughter, and your role model as a La Sallian.
Contributed by: Au Kin Heng Constantine (1987)         2004-11-25 21:22:38
Description: I forgot this point in my previous message. Thanks for Chinese version of our school song: 豪 情 少 年 敢 為 敢 作 一 身 朝 氣 心 向 上 人 行 正 途 艱 危 不 怕 我 會 盡 心 全 力 幹 合 唱: 有 幸 做 好 喇 沙 書 院 友 重 遇 我 往 昔 同 窗 不 管 天 陰 天 晴 日 我 地 齊 聲 將 此 曲 唱 云 云 教 壇 書 堂 精 舍 各 有 當 世 好 印 象 唯 從 有 成 英 雄 榜 看 母 校 突 出 人 共 仰 抬 頭 向 長 空 求 指 引 放 眼 高 闊 天 際 望 昂 昂 志 朝 彩 雲 深 處 與 母 校 青 雲 共 上 同 門 友 誼 因 時 俱 進 當 天 歡 笑 不 變 樣 良 朋 滿 堂 欣 然 相 對 母 校 校 歌 來 合 唱
Contributed by: Peter Lee (93)         2004-11-25 20:38:16
Description: 師兄, 您人雖然離開我們, 但您的精神和信念將會一直陪著我們.
Contributed by: Harry Chu (1987)         2004-11-25 19:47:24
Description: My condolences to Johan and your family. Please take good care of them as I am sure that’s what Mr. Wong wanted to see. Your father is a great man. I can’t tell you how sad I heard the news. For years, he has been an icon for us (me) in this communication and creative industry. His skills in writing, especially on the use of modern Chinese words, is what I have been aspiring for a long time. May he rest in peace in God.
Contributed by: K.F. Chan (1980)         2004-11-25 19:37:46
Description: When I was a student in La Salle, one of our English teachers, Mr Robert Cheng, told us that Mr James Wong was of his years, when most students would opt for studying English that normally guaranteed a better career prospect. However, Mr James Wong opted for studying Chinese. Mr Robert Cheng told us that it was after years of hard work, the decision of Mr James Wong proved to be right, and his achievement had over-shadowed a lot of others who went in the “normal channel”. The way Mr James Wong excelled in his studies and his career is something Lasallians are proud of, and something Lasallians should learn. May God take good care of Mr James Wong’s soul, and his family, especially our alumni Mr Johan Wong. In Christ, K.F. Chan (1980)
Contributed by: Lorencio Shiu Mateo 1993         2004-11-25 19:32:49
Description: I like you very much, you are my role model. May you rest in peace, and best wishes to your family!
Contributed by: Willie Wong (84)         2004-11-25 19:27:32
Description: Out of all the Lasallians I have come across, the late Mr. James Wong excelled others by his knowledge in Chinese literature and his impromptu speeches were just unbeatable. We have indeed lost a great son of La Salle. My condolences go to Johan, Ursula and the family. May his soul rest in peace. – Willie –
Contributed by: Johan Wong         2004-11-25 18:45:29
Description: I am really moved by all your kind words and tributes to my father. Thank you very much from the bottom of my heart. “There are famous schools in plenty, but La Salle is something more.” Long live the La Salle spirit. -johan
Contributed by: Andy Cheng 1967          2004-11-25 15:28:02
Description: JIM! We are proud of you as a Lasallian!! May you rest in peace! 2004-11-25
Contributed by: Vitus Leung (80)         2004-11-25 14:57:54
Description: He was pround of being LS Old Boy and we are pround of having him as our “Si Hing”. Long live La Salle Spirit in him… God Bless to him..
Contributed by: Chris Wong (67)         2004-11-25 14:28:59
Description: Thank you for promoting our Cantonese heritage. Hope others will imitate your proud legacy. Cantonese is our cultural heritage, let it shine on earth. Thank you for bringing joy and laughter to the world.
Contributed by: Victor Leung (77)         2004-11-25 14:03:15
Description: As Wong Jim’s put this in his own words:     ?   鄛   塶             Wong Jim      Thanks to such dedicated and loyal La Salle Old Boys, Wong Jim, we now have a chinese school song (that I never knew exist until now). La Salle has cultured many sucessful old boys in the past, but not many as loyal as Wong Jim. “C Hing”, despite your sad passing away, you’ll always be remembered by fellow Lasallian. The old boys will always remember you when we sing the chinese school song, a gift from you that we’ll forever treasure. You are my true hero!
Contributed by: Michael Ho         2004-11-25 13:11:37
Description: Mr. Jim Wong was an incredibly talented individual, not only in showbiz but as a human being in our society. We will all miss you. My deepest condolences go to Wong’s family. God Bless.
Contributed by: Kenneth Young (88)         2004-11-25 12:31:39
Description: I love the way he made sex a laughing topic. I love the way he didn’t conceal his lust. He is a sex symbol in a certain way. He got guts.
Contributed by: Thomas Wong (01)         2004-11-25 10:21:25
Description: May I also offer my condolences to Mr Wong’s family, friends and all of us LaSallians, all of whom must have been depressed by his unexpected passing away. May he rest in peace in the Kingdom of God.
Contributed by: Raymond Tang (81)         2004-11-25 09:38:41
Description: 「…無論我有百般對,或者千般錯,全心去承受結果。面對世界一切,那怕會如何?全心保存真的我…」Such a correct attitute towards life! James Wong makes all of us proud to be LaSallites. May your soul rest in peace in God. God Bless you & your family & La Salle.
Contributed by: Clement Chan (87)         2004-11-25 09:32:03
Description: James Wong was the first LSC Old Boy I knew when I was a primary school kid.Even before Bruce Lee,he was La Salle to me. “To women,you have to give money or passion.You can’t be reluctant on both.” That’s what he said in a crappy movie in early 1990s.I am not sure whether it was written by him and I strongly believe this philosophy. So long,your La Salle and Hong Kong will always miss you.
Contributed by: Bill Wong (66)         2004-11-25 07:35:03
Description: Many La Sallians might not have met James personally, however, his artistic talent, innovative thinking and down-to-earth personality were encroached in the hearts of every La Sallian. His contribution and dedication to the La Salle community and the Hong Kong entertainment industry will forever be remembered and appreciated. My deepest condolences to James’ family and friends. May his soul rest in peace.
Contributed by: Paul Wong (1976)         2004-11-25 02:46:04
Description: Wong Jim is always my idol because of his talent and contribution to culture, even before I realize that he is my “Si Hing”. I feel even closer to him and proud to be with him in this Lasallian family. As Johan (his elder son) said, I will always remember his smile (or laugh). May his soul rest in peace and may God bless his family.
Contributed by: Louis Law (1970)         2004-11-25 00:52:33
Description: A Man For All Seasons A Renaissance Man A Maverick… What would be the best way to underscore such a colourful life enjoyed by our late Wong Jim? It is also interesting to note that Wong Jim received his education in Hong Kong and yet excel in writing Chinese lyrics for so many famed songs. I would be interested to learn what had happened to him at his school days while at La Salle. I leave that to the 50’s “Si Hing” to tell us more. To my knowledge, his close association with Leung Yat Chiu, the late harmonica maestro who assisted the school harmonica band at that time, helped shape his passion with music and the show business. Most important of all, his relentless drive to do the best is a hallmark that we should all emulate. That’s really something more for us Lasallian to be proud of!
Contributed by: Anthony Tung 1997         2004-11-25 00:47:40
Description: I had a chance to go to the same class with him when he was studying master in HKU. We were attending the class of Hong Kong Popular Culture. You would never forget his voice and his way to laugh. May his soul rest in peace.
Contributed by: Au Kin Heng Constantine (1987)         2004-11-25 00:46:07
Description: The Hong Kong citizens will always remember you. Lasallians will always be grateful to your contributions to LSC and LSCOBA. May you rest in peace. May God bless your family.
Contributed by: Cecil Kwong (97)         2004-11-25 00:28:11
Description: We are really thankful for his numerous contributions, especially the Chinese lyrics of the school song.
Contributed by: Mark Huang (85)         2004-11-25 00:24:55
Description: A Lasallian that lived life with passion, love, laughter, and energy, and who used all the talents and gifts that were granted to him to their fullness, and who shared them generously. And in the process of just being himself, he shared his talent to create beautiful lyrics and compositions to share with others. May God take good care of his soul, and his family and all those he loved, especially to our classmate Johan Wong (85). I wish I could live with the same passion as Uncle James.
Contributed by: James Yeung (94)         2004-11-25 00:13:51
Description: The word “Genius” was invented to describe talents like the late Mr. James Wong. His multi-talents are recognised all over the Chinese community and his works and words will leave a lasting impression in the history of La Salle, Hong Kong and the Chinese community all over the world. I am sorry that I have not had the opportunity to get to know the great man, but he was, is and will ever be my idol. 24 Nov 2004 – the day when the planet loses a Genius. May the Genius’s soul rest in peace.
Contributed by: Toms         2004-11-25 00:06:16
Description: May his assertiveness in life be our model and always be remembered and appraised.
Categories: Deceased, Old Boys