Bro. James Marcian - Down the Memory Lane – Lasallians Remembered

Bro. Marcian, James

Date of Birth: 1868 Date of Death: 2 September 1938


Brother James Marcian, son of James Cullen, was born in Ireland on 31 August 1868. He never actually served in La Salle College, but it is believed that Brother Marcian composed the lyrics of the School Song. It is known that he also wrote the lyrics of many other Lasallian schools in Asia, including that of our sister school, St. Joseph’s College, Hong Kong. Bro Marcian served two terms as Director of St Xavier’s Institute, Malaysia, the first was from 1912 to 1915, succeeding Brother James and the second for a brief period in 1917. Brother Marcian was greatly revered by many people as Novice Haster at the Novitiate in Pulau Tikus, Penang. He died on 2 September 1938 in Hong Kong at the age of seventy. See also:

Categories: Brothers, Deceased, Teachers