Mr. Francis Xavier Loo - Down the Memory Lane – Lasallians Remembered

Mr. Loo, Francis Xavier

Date of Birth: ~1910 Years of service in LS: 23 years Period of Service: 1946 – 1969 Subjects taught / role: English


Mr. Francis Xavier Loo’s Chinese name was 盧錦倫. Upon finishing his high school education in Hong Kong, he went to study in the United Kingdom. After obtaining a diploma from a UK University, with a major in business administration, he lived and worked in the UK for many years before returning to Hong Kong.

At La Salle College, Mr. F.X. Loo was a devoted HKCEE English guru and an award winning boy scout leader. With over 20 years experience with HKCEE, he compiled every English structure question and answer into his classroom lecture notes. For each HKCEE English composition topics, Mr. F.X.Loo was the only teacher that would write sample essays and distribute them to the students. He trained every student and practiced with him on a one-on-one basis for the oral portion of the HKCEE. For his dedicated commitment to prepare every student’s English conversation examination, quite often he would have gone beyond the classroom. That was the way Mr. F.X.Loo had helped hundreds of La Salle boys passing HKCEE English with Distinctions and Credits, making LSC one of the most reputable English language achievement programs in Hong Kong; at the same time he nurtured LSC into a prestigious school in Hong Kong.

He signed his name as X.Loo, and most of the students called him X.Loo, and all the students should have known him by that name.

< Information supplied by Clarence Ng (69) >

Categories: Teachers