Bro. Casimir L’Angelier - Down the Memory Lane – Lasallians Remembered

Bro. L’Angelier, Casimir

Date of Birth: 6th May 1900 Period of Service: 1969 – 1970 Date of Death: 18th December 1975


Brother Casimir L’Angelier was born on 6th May 1900 in Singapore. He belonged to a long-standing Catholic family. He received his early education in St Joseph’s Institution, Singapore. In 1916, he joined the de La Salle Brothers at the newly opened Novitiate in Kuala Lumpur. After completion of his training, Brother Casimir taught devotedly in Singapore and Malaysia. He was a principal for over 20 years. He arrived in La Salle College on 14th December 1969. Initially, he helped Brother Paul Sun (a Sacred Heart Brother) in St. Joseph’s Anglo-Chinese School. Due to the deterioration of health, he returned to help the La Salle Primary School. Brother suffered a stroke in 1971. He remained calm and patient, and totally resigned to God’s will. Brother Casimir passed away on 18th December 1975 at the age of 75. He is remembered for his humble and gentle soul as well as being the writer of the Scripture Manual for Form 1 and 2 students. (Copied from “Our Brothers” a publication of the LSCOBA in 2003)

Categories: Brothers, Deceased, Teachers