Date : 13 Sep 2016
Job Shadowing 2016
A total of 101 LSC F5 students benefited from programs organized by OBA throughout the summer holidays in July and August 2016. With a total of 18 companies from diversified fields (accounting, architecture, banking & finance, dental, design & production, engineering, legal, physiotherapy, IT & telecom, marketing & distribution, pharmaceutical, scientific research and social work), the students chose those they wanted to visit according to their career interest.
Through the 1-day visits, they learnt about the prospects of various professions and industries. They also explored more about their future studies and career paths by seeing and talking to the C-Hing mentors and their colleagues.
Participating students were able to gain learning credits of OLE (Other Learning Experience – Career Related) under the DSE curriculum too. Details of the visits and hosting companies will be posted to OBA homepage.
Can you offer Job Shadowing Opportunities to LSC Students?
If you are interested in being a hosting company in the future, kindly contact Stanley Shum, Convenor of Student Affairs Subcommittee (email: [email protected]).