Dear Lasallians,
Everything must come full circle, a beginning and an end, an end and a beginning.
There are those who are still very perplexed by what I have stood for.
Why stirring up all the controversy and what is the President fighting for? Is it really worth it? Why doesn’t the President just take the easy path? Why risk it all to invite a controversial figure?
I have asked for reconciliation and give every Lasallian a chance to contribute to La Salle and LSCOBA.
On Friday, I received a call from a senior respectable old boy who acted as a mediator. He told me that Constantine Au was considering withdrawing from running for Hon. Sec. He also asked if Constantine could return as committee member. After consulting my team members, a decision was made that he could be accepted only if a place is available.
Lawrence was one of those who called and offered his own seat. It was heartbreaking news. He told me about his expanding business and lately he has the idea of stepping down. Lawrence has excellent interpersonal skill and everyone like to approach him for counseling including myself.
Let me quote from his own words:
“I stated from Day One to Bernard that I had the intention to step down (i.e. leaving the Committee entirely) to spare myself more time for business and family. I still have the same thought at this moment. There is never anybody too important to spare in the Committee. With me or not, I am sure the Committee will flourish with Bernard at the helm.
Taking this opportunity of withdrawal, not only can I spare more time for my selfish self but afford Bernard and the Team to reach out to Constantine for Peace and Brotherhood. I strongly believe that it is of the best benefits to the La Salle Community in the long run. Allow me to emphasize and clarify that Constantine or anyone else did not talk or request me to withdraw so to make way for Constantine re-joining the Team. The above is solely my own decision.”
As I have said, you are all my heroes and how can I ever able to choose who is more deserving?
What ever it is, a decision has to be made and even as the President I have to respect Lawrence’s decision.
Henry Lau Sir told me:
“As the President of the LSCOBA you have always been a beacon of harmony, tolerance, strength and unity for all Lasallians under your guidance. You must exercise your greatest tolerance to regain his trust and friendship.”
This is the suffering that a President has to face.
Not for myself but the good of La Salle and LSCOBA.
As a place is now available, I reinvited Constantine to be in my new cabinet as he has expressed his intention of rejoining the team. He has accepted my invitation to be a committee member. He has promised to try to work with everyone, and he has also promised to help in whatever way he can for LSCOBA.
Another prominent old boy from overseas chapter wrote to me:
“I finally feel I have a reasonably good understanding of what’s going on. And I totally agree that a team cannot function as a well-oiled machine if it has to overcome excessive friction amongst its components.
As President, you cannot succeed unless it is YOUR team.”
From the overseas chapters:
“The HK LSCOBA is important in that it validates the notion of the ‘La Salle’ spirit; La Salle still holds the essence of our being, our memories, our joy and pride. Your vision and efforts have elevated the HK chapter to a global level which all overseas oldboys feel a strong sense of belonging and can truly call it their HOME chapter. For this, I am grateful.”
I appeal as your President to put all our differences behind from this moment on and move forward with full speed and unity towards our motto of my team’s new platform.
Building Friendship and Developing Network.
Yours truly,
Dr. Bernard Kong ’76
President, LSCOBA 2005/06