Date : 30 Dec 2016
The theme of the LSCOBA Annual Ball 2016 is “Night of the Legends”, where we paid tribute to some of our most outstanding and legendary old boys, who have made tremendous contributions not only to our Alma Mater, but also the community at large. LSCOBA has produced a few videos to record and show our respects to these Legends of La Salle.
LSCOBA Annual Ball 2016: Night of the Legends: Theme Video 喇沙傳奇
Ball Chairman: Mr Terence Mak (1997)
The Tribute to our Legend and Distinguished Alumnus 2016: The Hon Hilton Cheong-Leen, JP 張有興太平紳士
Reporter: Mr Edison Siu (2008)
The Tribute to our Legend: Mr. James Wong 喇沙傳奇「也文也武」之黃霑篇
Special Acknowledgement: Mr. Johan Wong (1985)
The Tribute to our Legend: Mr. Bruce Lee 喇沙傳奇「也文也武」之李小龍篇
Special Acknowledgement: Mr. Clarence Lee (1997)
For record: Highlights of LSCOBA Annual Ball 2015: Impossible Mission
Ball Chairman: Mr. Roger Lee (1985)
5-min version
Full Version: