At the 2021 Annual General Meeting (the “AGM”) of the La Salle College Old Boys’ Association Limited (the “Association” or the “LSCOBA”), a poll was demanded by the President of the Association for voting on each of proposed resolutions 1, 2, 4(a), 4(b) and 4(c) as set out in the Notice of 2021 AGM. The Association is pleased to announce the poll results as follows:-
Ordinary Resolution 1
“To receive the audited financial statements for the year ended 31 March 2021 together with the President’s Report.”
For: 363 votes
Against: 6 votes
Ordinary Resolution 2
“To re-appoint CW CPA, Certified Public Accountants, as the auditors of the Association.”
For: 356 votes
Against: 8 votes
Special Resolution 4(a)
“The Memorandum of Association and the Articles of Association be amended in the manner set forth in the notice of the AGM, as amendments to merge the Memorandum of Association with the Articles of Association.”
For: 353 votes
Against: 5 votes
Special Resolution 4(b)
“The Articles of Association be amended in the manner set forth in the notice of the AGM, as amendments to align the Articles of Association with other updates to the Companies Ordinance.”
For: 353 votes
Against: 5 votes
Special Resolution 4(c)
“The Articles of Association be amended by deleting Article 43 of “Part B – Other Articles” and substituting the following in its place: ‘Election of office-bearers and members of the Committee – 43. The office-bearers and the Committee members shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting from the members of the Association. A candidate for election must be proposed by one and seconded by another member and the nomination shall be received by the Returning Officer within the nomination period designated by the Committee. The said nomination period shall not be less than 14 days and shall terminate at least 14 clear days before the date of the Annual General Meeting. Every member of the Association present at the meeting shall be entitled to vote for as many candidates as there are vacancies to be filled. Candidates up to the number of vacancies who shall receive most votes shall be declared elected and in the case of two or more candidates receiving an equal number of votes, a second or subsequent ballots shall be held until a candidate receives most votes.’”
For: 352 votes
Against: 6 votes
As more than 50% of the votes were cast in favour of each of Ordinary Resolutions 1 and 2, and more than 75% of the votes were cast in favour of each of Special Resolutions 4(a), 4(b) and 4(c), the above resolutions were duly passed.