Dear Fellow Old Boys,
It has been a while since I have written to you here. A lot has happened in the past few months, and I hope you have enjoyed yourselves in one or more of our activities.
My editors have put the recent events in this new issue of LSCOBA Express. I hope you will enjoy reading it.
90th Anniversary Celebrations
The grand finale of the celebrations took place over the second weekend of December, with the 90th Anniversary Celebration Dinner and an overseas homecoming session on Saturday, followed by the La Salle Family Fun Day on Sunday. These marked the successful completion of the celebrations.
The LSCOBA team worked intensively on all of these events, with the help of many fellow old boys. This is again another example of our old boys community selflessly putting in enormous amounts of time and effort passionately contributing to our Alma Mater, with Hearts Aflame with Faith and Zeal.
Back and Better
As COVID-related restrictions are eased, our daily life is said to be gradually moving “back to normal”. At LSCOBA, we are also set to embrace the long-awaited post-pandemic life.
But we are not for a simple “U-turn” to the old days.
Many of the initiatives we introduced during the pandemic have been well-received by members — for instance, our online “bai-nin” sessions, where Old Boys around the globe get together for the Lunar New Year. Another example is our eShop, where LSCOBA souvenirs are made available at members’ fingertips.
These are just a few of our developments during the pandemic. They are here to stay, and together with other long-existing initiatives, continue to enhance connections and improve service to members.
Digital Membership
As a key step in LSCOBA’s journey of digital transformation, we have launched a digital membership system for all members.
With the new platform, members may obtain and carry their digital membership card on smartphones and access the online self-service portal for updates of personal information. Members may also choose to include his name and other information for the member search function, for easier connection with fellow old boys.
The new database also offers enhanced data security and privacy for our members.
Other features will be gradually rolled out in the future. Please visit to explore!
Yours in La Salle
Kent Lau
President, LSCOBA, 2022-23