Dear Fellow Lasallians,
Time flies.
I have been back for almost a month now and last Friday we had our 2nd committee meeting. This is my short note to update you with the latest development:-
- Brother Thomas, Dr Constantine Au and myself attended the first ever President Summit in Toronto. The presidents of all chapters decided to set up a President Forum to exchange ideas and update information. Brother Thomas explained to the old boys about the immediate challenges our school is facing and extra funds will be needed to compete with Direct Subsidy Scheme schools.
- I visited four overseas chapters during my visits: New York, Toronto. Edmonton and Vancouver. The chapters are very alive and energetic. I had brought along VCDs of “Our Brothers”, “Days under the Dome” and “LSCOBA 2003” to let them know more about the affairs in their Mother Chapter. Everywhere I went, I could feel the strong sense of brotherhood and I sincerely thank them for their friendship and hospitality.
- The La Salle Foundation has decided to take up the fund raising for the “School Improvement Project”. Two new annex buildings will be ready by next year. The Foundation chair by Nicholas Ng is calling for meeting shortly and discuss about the strategy for fund raising.
- A new heritage room will be ready soon and the school heritage team will move the “treasure” to the new room soon. There is more space for keeping items and OBs are welcome to donate their collections.
- The committee had a celebration dinner on the August 20, 2004 for the retirement of Brother Thomas. Mr. Yik Kwan was also our guest of honor. I have scanned a picture of the old school building dated 1947 as a gift to Brother Thomas. The picture most likely been taken by the Royal British Air force while on her way to land in the old Kai Tak airport. There were no windows except corridor in the building! We also presented calligraphy to Brother Thomas by a grandfather of an OB. We also had a special gift for Yik Sir.
- LSCOBA is looking for updating our membership database. The team is discussing about sending a Form to members through our newsletter and via the website. An online registration is going to be in place shortly. The lscoba e-mail forwarding domain will be ready soon.
- The newsletter is quite expensive. It costs us over HK$ 80,000 per year. We will ask our members whether they will read it in the web rather than receiving the hard copy.
- Dr Paul Lau is the Principal of the school now and BT is adjusting to his new role as supervisor of LSC. I attended the Newcomer’s Day on the August 14, 2004 with both of them in their new role. I talked to the crowd about the involvement of OBs and how proud we are as Lasallians.
- The web team is working very hard in fulfilling all our wish list. The development phase needs a lot of time and energy besides the heavy workload of maintaining the web site. Some of the younger members of the web team are leaving University and will be busy with their new career. We have to look into out-sourcing or discover new blood to catch up with the demand. A task force is looking into more future development of the web site to support alumni activities.
- The all-star LSCOBA soccer team won the final CBC 2004 against CGH. Brother Patrick, Dr. Paul Lau and myself were at the prize giving ceremony. LSCOBA is looking into CBC golf and a fraternity dinner with our Christian Brothers’ Schools immediately after the CBC final in 2005.
- The LSCOBA credit card will be launched this year. There will be three types: Platinum, Gold and Classic. Only the classic one is pre-approved. We are also looking into on-line sales through the credit card. Further works need to be done to see if overseas members can use the card.
- We are going to videotape the “seniors” about their fond memories of LSC. We will start with the 30s and 40s. This may be something to show in the 75th anniversary. Please look up to see if there is anyone senior enough in your chapter and inform us. The Heritage subcommittee will be meeting on September 9, 2004 to lay down future plans.
- I was invited to the 66ers dinner in August. We are planning a BBQ at the school in late October. Current students will be invited to join in. There will be official announcement once the logistics are resolved.
- The Newsletter will be out soon.
- The annual school swimming gala will be held on the September 13, 2004 at Kowloon Park. The LSCOBA swimming team will be competing with the teachers/PTA.
- Please look out for future activities and check out our website.
I will update you all from time to time.
Yours truly,
Dr. Bernard Kong ’76
President, LSCOBA 2004/05