Dear Members,
Reference is made to the Notice of Nomination Period for the Election of Office-Bearers and Committee Members of the Association for 2024-2025 dated 15 May 2024 (the “Notice“).
As of the deadline of the nomination period (30 May 2024), I received and verified the following nominations:
Dr. WONG, Daniel (1999)
Vice President
Mr. CHEUNG Che Tsuen, Desmond (2004)
Honorary Secretary
Mr. CHENG Ho Kong, Eugene (2004)
Honorary Treasurer
Mr. LO Fai (2003)
Committee Member
Mr. CHAN On Lap (1992)
Mr. CHEUNG Sil Yu, Charles (2016)
Mr. FONG Kai Kuen (2017)
Mr. FONG Shiu Man, David (1988)
Mr. HAU Wing Chung, Vincent (2007)
Mr. KO Tin Fai (1999)
Mr. LEE Chun Hin, Hilary (2013)
Mr. LIU Yuk Wing, Paul (1987)
Mr. LOK Hin Wun (2015)
Mr. TSANG Fan Chun (2002)
Mr. WONG Man Chun, Manfred (2003)
Mr. YAN, Darren (2004)
Please note the AGM will convene as scheduled at 2:00 pm on Saturday, 13 July 2024, at the Large Lecture Theatre, La Salle College, for Members to, inter alia, consider the other proposed resolutions as stated in the Notice.
Yours in de La Salle,
LEE Shiu Fung, Roger (1985)
Returning Officer, LSCOBA Committee Election 2024, La Salle College