Dear Members,
The past few months saw many new activities, which my editorial team have summarised in this issue of the LSCOBA Express.
While many of our activities went online due to the pandemic, we never forgot the warmth of face-to-face contact. On 29 June, we attended a lunch gathering with some class coordinators who graduated in the 50’s and 60’s. We had a great time exchanging ideas on the operations of the OBA, and hearing their needs and feedback on our work.
We also had the pleasure of holding an Online Fireside Chat on Community Service, where speakers, including our past president Dr. Joseph Lee, shared insights on the trust and brotherhood within the Lasallian community.
And for the younger Lasallians, we joined the school in welcoming our new Form 1 students on the Registration Day. We have also met our new graduates to celebrate the beginning of a new chapter of their lives.
With your unfailing support, we are working towards the mission to connect Lasallians of all generations, from the young and fresh, to the young-at-heart (and no less energetic and enthusiastic!). These connections enable us to assist the school management in preparing for the celebration program of our Alma Mater’s 90th anniversary.
The annual general meeting on 31 July will mark the end of the 2020-2021 session.
At this juncture, I would like to thank every one of you — for giving us ideas; for making those ideas happen; for taking part in our activities; for sharing your thoughtful insights; and above all, for standing by us. You have made all the difference.
Hand in hand, let’s bring the Lasallian community to its new heights!
Yours in La Salle
Kent Lau